Dear Friends and District Five Residents:

This is the February 2025 Newsletter with some general information on economic development, infrastructure updates, and more.

I encourage you to stay connected by following me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or sign up for my monthly newsletter below!

I hope you enjoy this e-newsletter.  Please reach out to me if I may be of assistance. 


Chris Barajas

COMMUNITY developmenT


Use the link below to RSVP as space may be limited. They will be providing updates on GALENA and NAYLOR circuits, including general updates.

Southern California Edison (SCE) is hosting a community meeting to provide information on Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) outages and share valuable resources for Jurupa Valley residents. This event will offer an opportunity to hear from SCE leaders, ask questions, and participate in discussions.

Event Details:

Date: Thursday, February 27

Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Rubidoux High School

Elliott N. Duchon Concert Hall, 4250 Opal St., Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


Sun's Kitchen will be holding their ribbon cutting event on Thursday, February 27th at 11AM. The first 50 customers in line will receive a free lunchbox and more. See flyer for more details. #jurupavalley #jurupa #indianhills #jurupahills #glenavon #economicdevelopment


I'm crafting new city legislation that will require multifamily housing to have emergency preparedness in their facilties. This would include safety measures like backup power sources for elevators, hallway lighting, sound alarms, and anything else that would help residents get out safely in the event of an emergency. I look forward to getting this legislation passed and implemented as quickly as possible. #jurupa #jurupahills #pedleyhills #Indianhills #glenavon #JurupaValley #PublicSafety #sunnyslope #rubidoux #emergencypreparedness


Congratulations to COLD STONE Creamery - Jurupa Valley on their grand opening! They are located at the Shops at Jurupa Valley. Give them a visit and enjoy some tasty treats! #jurupavalley #jurupa #indianhills #jurupahills #pedley


Last year, the Council, as recently shared, has made the largest investment in infrastructure allocating over $20 million of our ARPA funds to our roads!

You can see our full CIP list here:

Capital Improvements

The recent storms have brought much needed rain to our State; however, the amount of rain in such a small amount of time resulted in widespread flooding across our City and State. While the storms have subsided, there are more expected in a could of weeks.

As a reminder, you can get sandbags at most of our Fire Ststions. You do have to fill them up yourself, but they are at no cost to you. In addition, I've shared in the past that the City continues to look at flood mitigation in all our communities such as Rubidoux, Indian Hills, Jurupa Hills, Glen Avon, Mira Loma, and more. Many of our recent infrastructure improvements also had flood mitigation incorporated into them. We also work closely with our partners at Riverside County Flood Control. Each organization plays a vital role in overall flood control. Through that partnership there have been projects completed and many more in the pipeline for some time. You can view a current list of upcoming projects here:

As always, please email me at with any questions, comments, concerns, etc

#jurupavalley #infrastructure #indianhills #jurupahills #rubidoux

Mission Bridge Replacement

The County of Riverside, in cooperation with the Cities of Riverside and Jurupa Valley, proposes to replace the existing Mission Boulevard Bridge over the Santa Ana River. The proposed project will accommodate two 12-foot lanes, two 14-foot lanes, two 8-foot shoulders, and a 4-foot median. A 12- foot multipurpose trail with barrier separation from vehicular traffic will be located along the south side of the bridge in lieu of standard sidewalks on each side.

The new bridge will be approximately 88 feet wide and 1,100 feet long. The replacement bridge profile will be raised slightly to accommodate current standards for the roadway design. At mid-span, the profile will be approximately 4 to 6 feet higher than the existing bridge. Learn more about the project.

Market Bridge Replacement

The County of Riverside, in cooperation with the Cities of Riverside and Jurupa Valley, proposes to replace the existing Market Street Bridge over the Santa Ana River. A new 4-lane bridge will be provided to enhance public safety and traffic circulation in the area. The work will include reconstructing approach roadways, providing necessary channel improvements, and a multi-purpose trail connecting to the existing and proposed regional trails. The new bridge will be approximately 88 feet wide and 1,200 feet long. Learn more about the project.

Visit the link above for a full list of projects. I've asked staff to work on creating a more user friendly map by introducing interactivity through a GIS map instead of a flat file. More to come.

#jurupavalley #infrastructure


Check out our latest peek->BEHIND THE K-RAIL

Crews continue to work on the Van Buren Blvd. bridge and the Jurupa Rd. underpass support systems. #ConnectingJurupaValley #RivCoTrans #ConnectingCommunities #BuildingBridges




IG @jurupagradeseparation

on Fb @Jurupa Grade Separation Project

SHOP local #ShopLocalJurupaValley #ShopJV #ShopJurupaValley #JurupaValley


BUSINESS ACCESS REMAINS OPEN at ALL Felspar St. and Jurupa Rd business plaza's.

Jurupa Grade Separation


council business/community news

Thank you to DELAC (District English Language Advisory Committee) for the opportunity to speak at their meeting. I joined my good friend Trustee Robert Garcia and spoke on topics such as infrastructure improvements, public safety, and traffic mitigation around our school sites. JUSD and the City continously work together on these items and always appreciate community feedback. I was also able to share on five SR2S (Safe Routes to School) projects that our City staff was able to get funded through state grants that every city in the state apply for and compete for. These will install sidewalks and close sidewalk gaps including rehabilitation of the roads and in some cases, bike lanes installed, across the City. The five school site areas are Mira Loma, Granite Hill, Glen Avon, Sunnyslope, and Rubidoux. These projects have been in process for over a year with a cost of about $10 million or more and I'm looking forward to getting them all started and completed as quickly as possible! While the City and JUSD continously work on improvements to traffic safety around all school sites, please email me at if you have questions or concerns.

#jurupavalley #infrastructure #saferoutestoschool #sidewalkinfrastructure #miraloma #rubidoux #sunnyslope #glenavon #indianhills #jurupahills

At our most recent WRCOG Admin and Finance meeting, we reviewed a new state law, AB602, and it's potential impact on infrastructure funding at the City and county level. We also received an update on our Clean Cities Energy and Environmental Justice Initiative. #jurupavalley #infrastructure #indianhills #jurupahills #rubidoux

Many of you may have noticed some large asphalt damage in the Deanza Shopping Center. Specifically around and in front of the Crunch Gym. This was affecting most of the main drive paths. Thank you to the residents that brought this to my attention. As a reminder, shopping centers are private property; however, like all private property, there are standards the property must be kept at. I highly encourage residents to use the My Jurupa Valley app to report issues and/or concerns. The property owner is already in the process of repaving much of the shopping center West of what is now going to be a Sprouts and Harbor Freight.

#jurupavalley #shoplocal #indianhills #jurupahills #rubidoux #pedleyhills #glenavon

Congratulations to Jurupa AYSO Region 462 and AYSO 47 on a very successful Locomotion Tournament that brought over 7k people to the City of Jurupa Valley! Our local businesses greatly benefitted from this surge in customer's. Future projects in #JVDistrict5 and #JVDistrict4 will only add more options for our visitors to patronize! Huge shoutout to all the #jurupaayso462 teams that participated in the tournament you represented Jurupa Valley well!

#jurupavalley #rubidoux #loringranch #indianhills #jurupahills #pedleyhills

Councilmember Altamirano and I had the opportunity to meet with residents from the communities around Avalon Park and Belltown. Our main point of discussion was the much needed infrastructure in the two communities and how we could fund them!

A few years ago, I was one of the Councilmembets who approved the Agua Mansa Project which had a community benefits agreement. Part of that agreement provides for a one time community benefit of about $11 million. In addition, I placed a parcel tax on each square foot of building constructed which increases annually in perpetuity. These benefits were intended to be invested back into the communities that are being impacted by said project around Avalon, Belltown, Crestmore Heights, and Rubidoux. These benefits are triggered by the completion of each building. Now that we are starting to receive these benefits, we have begun to look at options to install sidewalks, streetlights, multipurpose trails, and drainage control for said communities.

Over the coming months, we will be holding community meetings to discuss the various options. The cost of these potential improvements for just these two communities would be at approximately a cost of $4 million. More to come as there are more parts of Rubidoux to invest in!

#jurupavalley #Avalon #Belltown #crestmoreheights #rubidoux

I'm happy to share that through the outstanding work of our staff, we were able to secure funding for 3 more SR2S (Safe Routes to School) projects. Every cycle, we submit projects in a highly competitive grant process with every city in the state vying for a small number of potential grants. We now have 5 SR2S projects approved with two of them close to the start of construction. These projects will install sidewalks, flashing beacons, enhanced crosswalks, bike lanes, and more. These projects combined total over $10 million. Project sites are:

- Pacific Ave (Mission to 42nd)

- Sunnyslope Elementary

- Jurupa Middle (Agate)

- Granite Hill & Mission Bell Elementary

- Mira Loma Middle & Van Buren Elementary

You can view the staff presentation here:

#jurupavalley #jurupahills #indianhills #pedleyhills #glenavon #rubidoux #infrastructure #saferoutestoschool

Planning is underway for our 2023 Veterans Day Parade! I'll be sure to share updates over the course of the coming months. #jurupavalley #rubidoux #jurupahills #indianhills